Are Syrian hamsters good pets for apartments?

Pros of Keeping Syrian Hamsters in Apartments

They are small and require minimal space

One of the biggest advantages of keeping a Syrian hamster in an apartment is its small size. Syrian hamsters typically grow to be around 6 inches long, which means they do not require a lot of space to live comfortably. This makes them a great choice for apartment dwellers who may not have a lot of extra space.

They are quiet

Another advantage of keeping a Syrian hamster in an apartment is that they are relatively quiet animals. Unlike dogs or cats, hamsters do not bark or meow, which means they are less likely to disturb your neighbors. While they do make some noise when they are active, it is generally not loud enough to be disruptive.

They are low maintenance

Syrian hamsters are also low-maintenance pets, which makes them a great choice for apartment dwellers who may not have a lot of extra time to devote to pet care. They require minimal grooming, do not need to be walked, and can be left alone for short periods without issue.

They can be entertaining

Finally, Syrian hamsters can be very entertaining pets to watch. They are active animals that love to play and explore, which means they can provide hours of entertainment for their owners.

Cons of Keeping Syrian Hamsters in Apartments

They can be sensitive to temperature changes

One potential downside of keeping a Syrian hamster in an apartment is that it can be sensitive to temperature changes. Hamsters prefer to live in environments that are between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which means you may need to adjust your thermostat to keep them comfortable.

They are nocturnal

Another potential downside of keeping a Syrian hamster in an apartment is that they are nocturnal animals. This means they are most active at night and may make noise while you are trying to sleep. If you are a light sleeper, this could be an issue.

They may not be suitable for households with young children

Syrian hamsters can be fragile animals, which means they may not be suitable for households with young children. Children may accidentally hurt the hamster or mishandle them, which can cause injury or stress. Therefore, it is important to supervise young children when interacting with the hamster and teach them how to gently handle the pet.


They can become aggressive

Finally, Syrian hamsters are known to be territorial and aggressive towards other hamsters. This means that if you are planning to keep more than one hamster in your apartment, you will need to separate them to avoid fights and injuries.

How to Care for Your Syrian Hamster in an Apartment

If you decide that a Syrian hamster is a right pet for your apartment, there are several things you can do to ensure they are happy and healthy.

Provide a suitable cage

First and foremost, you will need to provide a suitable cage for your hamster. The cage should be large enough for the hamster to move around comfortably, with plenty of space for bedding, food, and water. It should also be escape-proof, as hamsters are known to be skilled escape artists.

Provide a suitable diet

In addition to a suitable cage, you will also need to provide a suitable diet for your hamster. Hamsters require a balanced diet that includes a mix of high-quality pellets, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats. It is important to avoid feeding your hamster sugary or fatty foods, as these can cause health problems.

Provide opportunities for exercise and play

Hamsters are active animals that require opportunities for exercise and play. You can provide exercise by giving your hamster a running wheel or exercise ball, and by setting up a play area outside of their cage where they can explore and climb.

Monitor their health

Finally, it is important to monitor your hamster’s health regularly. This includes checking their teeth, nails, and fur for any signs of problems, as well as keeping an eye out for changes in behavior or appetite. If you notice any problems, seeking veterinary care as soon as possible is important.


In conclusion, Syrian hamsters can make great pets for apartments, as long as you are willing to provide them with a suitable environment and care. While there are some downsides to keeping a hamster in an apartment, such as their sensitivity to temperature changes and their nocturnal nature, these can be overcome with proper care and attention. If you are considering getting a Syrian hamster for your apartment, be sure to do your research and prepare to provide them with the care they need to thrive.


  1. How long do Syrian hamsters live?
  • Syrian hamsters typically live for 2-3 years.
  1. Do Syrian hamsters require a lot of attention?
  • No, Syrian hamsters are low-maintenance pets that require minimal attention.
  1. Can Syrian hamsters be kept in pairs?
  • No, Syrian hamsters are territorial and should be kept alone to avoid fighting.
  1. What is the best type of cage for a Syrian hamster?
  • The best type of cage for a Syrian hamster is one that is large enough for them to move around comfortably and has plenty of space for bedding, food, and water.
  1. What should I feed my Syrian hamster?
  • Syrian hamsters require a balanced diet that includes high-quality pellets, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats.


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